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Writer's picture: David MankelDavid Mankel

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

There are plenty of different recovery modalities from training that we can apply however here are some that I think are most effective. PASSIVE RECOVERY STRATAGIES: SLEEP✅ For most, between 6 and 8 hours a night will provide us with a health dose of growth hormone and repair (for advanced athletes this could be up to 10 hours per night) However due to daily commitments this might not always be possible therefore I recommend getting an average of 8 hours per night over the week. We can also take strategic naps throughout the day if we get the opportunity to do so 20 to 30 minutes is suffice to partially recuperate. RELAX✅ Relaxation time is another recovery tool that we can and should take advantage of. For each person this may be slightly different. For some it may be a good idea to go for a walk in the local park for others watching their favourite TV programme or playing their favourite computer game maybe an optimal way in which that person is able to relax. STRESS✅ Stress management is another modality that should be capitalised on. Although we cannot control our environment, we're able to control the way that we react to the situation - if we are able to let go of the things that we are unable to change then we are more likely to create a more positive state of being within. Therefore it is important to have an awareness with how respond to certain stimuli and adjust if the way we react is not serving us. SOCIAL✅ Social support is yet another way in which we can can manage stress more effectively, we can draw upon family, friends, team members and online communities for the advice and support they can play in our recovery process. SUPPLIMENTAL STRATEGIES: COLD & COMPRESSIVE✅ Multimodality recovery can be effective for example a rugby player who was just played an 80-minute match may get a ice bath and then use compressive garments COLD & CONTRAST✅ More effective than cold which could be considered as more of a quick fix. Cold and contrast can help reduce swelling and oedema. In summary combined therapies tend to be more effective than those that are separate.

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Mankel Over Matter - Getting Stronger Together.

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